Thursday, February 25, 2010


Yesterday I found out that my Grandpa died. Tuesday I was complaining that I might have to chip in for utilities/rent at the house I am staying and the next day I am buying a roundtrip ticket back home for friday. The other day I email my sister and said that I wish I could come home not to stay but for like a weekend. I can eat some good food and hang out with friends and then I will be able to make it over this hump. I guess I am getting just that really but in the worst possible way. I could have never have imagined this happening, yeah he was old but he was more active then me. I could be sitting around the house for days not even going outside while the Grandparents would be bouncing around the whole Bay Area, visiting friend, going to parties, volunteering. I guess this will be my last post for a while whatever is going to be happening wont be apart of my Kenyan experience. At least not the one I expected.

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